Works on Paper
Showing 1–25 of 72 results
Edward Mitchell BannisterLandscape 1898
George BiddleBuffalo Dance No.1
George BiddleBuffalo Dance No.2
Charles BlaskowitzA Plan of the Town of Newport in Rhode Island, Surveyed by Charles Blaskowitz, 1777
Oscar Florianus BluemnerEast Providence,1926
Alfred T. BricherBoats off the Coast
Alfred T. BricherCoast
Carlton ChapmanSquare at Ponce, Puerto Rico with Seated Figure, c.1910
Chen ChiSummer (pair with Autumn)
Chen ChiAutumn (pair with Summer)
William H. DruryOuting at the Shore
William H. DruryBlue Mountains
William H. DruryOrange and Pink Mountains, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands
John La FargeWorking Decorative Sketch c.1880s
John La FargeTulips and Hyacinth, 1867
John La FargeStudy of Snow c.1884
John La FargeMale Nude, 1864
John La FargeBoy Casting Off Hawk: Study from “The Skeleton in Armor” c. 1884-85
John La FargeFern Leaves, 1904
John La FargeFern and Leaves, 1903
John La FargeLeaf Studies, 1907
John La FargeStudies for Windows at St. Paul’s Chapel, Columbia University
John La FargeMale Nude, Leg Study
John La FargeFigure of Fortune: A Working Sketch
John La FargeStudy of Hands, 1876