20th Century
Showing 1–25 of 95 results
Oscar AndersonAnnisquam Lighthouse in February, 1932
Walter E. BaumAllentown, Pennsylvania Landscape
Reynolds BealBattleship at Newport (Most likely the USS Illinois (BB-7))
Reynolds BealSakonnet Point with Mother, 1920
Reynolds BealCoastal View with Lighthouse
Ludwig BemelmansPortrait in Yellow: Ville D’Avray (Woman with Green Glove)
George BiddleTahitian Woman with Children
George BiddleBuffalo Dance No.1
George BiddleBuffalo Dance No.2
George BiddleAllegorical Scene with Nymphs 1926
Oscar Florianus BluemnerEast Providence,1926
Samuel Joseph BrownThe Family c.1940
Matilda BrowneStill Life with Fruit in a Porcelain Compote, 1918
Emil Soren CarlsenBlue Surf, Bald Head Cliffs, York, Maine c.1914
Ethel Seal CarpenterHome From the Storm, Gloucester, Massachusetts
Carlton ChapmanSquare at Ponce, Puerto Rico with Seated Figure, c.1910
Chen ChiSummer (pair with Autumn)
Chen ChiAutumn (pair with Summer)
Antonio CirinoHarbor Scene
John Edward CostiganAutumn Wood Interior 1946
John Edward CostiganThrough the Woods c.1946
M. Lewis CroissantThe Captive Amazonian Albino
Howard Gardiner CushingPortrait of a Woman
Thomas DoughtyNiagara Falls
Leon Ernest DrivierCouple Embracing